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Adult Trade

Children Book

Religious Book

Higher Education

Education K-12

Stationery & Gifts
Adult Trade
For 160 years, RRD provides publishers around the world with integrated book solutions. We help to turn premium contents into various types of products while meeting customers’ demands of high quality, competitive cost and product safety.
- Classic novel
- Comics & Graphic Novel
- Cookbooks, Food & Wine
- Crafts, Hobbies & Home
- Art & Photography
- Travel
- Entertainment
- Biography & Memoirs
Children Book
Bringing the expertise, execution and scale, we specialize in producing children books to meet the needs of children of different ages around the world, with product categories covering:
- Picture book
- Board book
- Comics & Graphic Novel
- Activities & Games
- Sound book & Light book
- Pop-ups & Lift-the- flap
- Touch-and-feel
- Novelty & Book plus
Religious books, especially bibles, often carry the beliefs and values for their readers. RRD is quite skilled in producing high-end bibles by incorporating innovative techniques with unconventional materials, finishing and decoration.
- Traditional Bible
- Gift & Award Bible
- Kids Bible
- Custom Bible
- Innovative Bible
- Curriculum
- Religious Trade Books
- Gifts
Higher Education
With extensive experience in book production, RRD cooperates with world-renowned higher education publishers to produce professional books of different subjects, including:
- Medical
- Health Care & Nursing
- Science & Technology
- Accounting & Economics
- Business
- Architechture
- Law
- Managerial
Education K-12
As an integral part of education, books are very important to both teachers and students. For the special K-12 education stage, RRD develops and produces a wide range of book products to help users better complete their learning plans.
- Workbook
- Readers
- Cards
- Components
- Kitting/Packing/Dist
- Teaching & Education
- Big Book
- PE
Stationery & Gifts
Leveraging the expertise of material selection, innovative structure design, accessory sourcing and new product development, RRD is well positioned to transform a lot of IP content into diverse and captivating products.
- Calendar
- Notebooks
- Journals & Planners
- Gift Card
- Stationery
- Gift Set
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