20211124. Mailchimp Survey Thank you for being one of the registered users at our elibrary. It has been a while since it was launched and we’d like to know your UE (user experience) about it. Please help to complete this short questionnaire, which takes you less than 10 minutes, but would help us to make your future experience better and easier! Elibrary User Name * 1. How often do you come to our elibrary? * less than once a week Once a week 2~3 times a week more than 3 times a week 2. Is our elibrary user-friendly? Please rate “1” if it’s very hard to use while “5” very “easy”, and “3” means neutral. * 1 2 3 4 5 3. Which part of our elibrary is your favorite? * Services Products R&D E-Sample What's On About None (please help to list what you expect to see in the elibrary)None (please help to list what you expect to see in the elibrary) 4. How likely will you recommend our elibrary to a colleague or friend working in the industry? (please rate “1” for the least likelihood, ”5” the most; while “3” means neutral * 1 2 3 4 5 5. Do you have any suggestions, comments, or even complains about our elibrary based on your experience? Below questions are more focused on the content organized for each part of our elibrary. Should you have any comments, you can use the toggled option at the bottom of each questions. We value your input and look forward to hearing from you! 6. Among all product segments, which one do you pay the most attention on? * Children Book Adult Trade Religious Book Higher Education Education K-12 Stationery & Gifts None (please let us know what else you'd like see)None (please let us know what else you'd like see) 7. Is the rough introduction of binding and packaging styles useful?* yes neutral no 8. What aspect of the ”R&D” category are you most interested in?* * Finishings & Decorations New Materials New Technologies Ink Solution Digital Empowerment Book Technical Center Our Patents none (please help to let us know what you'd like to know)none (please help to let us know what you'd like to know) 9. What else shall we add/ improve our R&D part? 10. How frequently do you visit our “Sample Kits”“Component Center”? * Daily A few time per week Once per week Once per month Rarely (please help to let us know if we miss any category that is expected by you)Rarely (please help to let us know if we miss any category that is expected by you) 11. Have you ever experienced our Virtual Plant Tour? * Yes No (Please let us know if you encounter any problems to virtual plant tour)No (Please let us know if you encounter any problems to virtual plant tour) 12. How do you like Virtual Plant Tour? Please rate “1” if it’s very hard to use while “5” very easy, and “3” means neutral. * 1 2 3 4 5 Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire for elibrary. Your participation is important to us. Thank you once again for your kind cooperation! 如果你是人类,该字段请留空。 Submit