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Green Manufacturing

Kodak InSite Prepress Portal

RRD provide and advocate the use of Kodak InSite Prepress Portal System. Customers can do pages Review and approval in Smart Review, which could reduce paper use.

Water Cycle System of Plate Rinser

reduce water pollution & waste

Central Ink Supply System & Soy Ink

High-pressure pipework systems with ink filters and integral consumption measurement deliver the ink to precisely the point where it is required and could reduce waste and pollution in process. And in RRD, we use certified soy ink.

Central Fountain Supply

Deliver the fountain solutions to the point where it is required and could reduce waste and pollution in process, compared with conventional way.

RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer)

RTO, is an air pollution control equipment to decompose volatile organic compounds (VOCs), hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), and other airborne solvents. RRD Asia Humen Flagship Plant was equipped with it to do waste gas treatment of web press.

UV Photolytic & Activated Carbon Treatment

An air pollution control equipment, use UV photolytic and activated carbon to reduce VOCs


Solar panels have been set up at the roof top of manufacturing building and dorm building.

Air Compressor

Air compressor to collect waste heat during manufacturing and use the energy to produce hot water for dorm.


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